Personal Case Experience



I have a simple belief: Whatever you do in sales & marketing will not succeed in filling a vacuum on the product level. At least not in the long run. This is why - in the past 20 years - I always invested a substantial amount of my energy as an executive in identfying opportunities for differentiation - true differentiation. Not just adding a different color or a nicer design, but something that really excites your own staff and your audience. For each relevant product category that you are operating in there should be at least one "talking" product that clearly outperforms what´s on the market.

I learned and developed different methodologies in order to systematically scan the opportunities in finding such potential innovations. If you are lucky, the right idea is already sleeping in your staff´s creative minds or drawers, and is just waiting to be awakened. Some raw diamonds just need to be ground and polished in order to shine. 

At the same time we need to reduce the noise, i.e. to minimize product complexity and to ensure the focus and profitability of your existing portfolio and inventory. 

Particularly in turnaround situations, but also to foster faster growth, the definition, development and drive-to-market of iconic product and service innovations will be the fuel to energize your brand.

Let´s raise our level of expectations together and ensure that your creative potential really delivers innovations that matter.